Register for an event

Saturday, April 27, 9:30 AM – 5 PM
A Spring Day of Song, Prayer, Presentations, Fun, and Friendship
Join us for our annual Spring gathering where we will have three different speakers share with us the song of faith to which they turn to help them draw closer to God and do God’s will. You will get a chance to sing along, reflect on the lyrics, and meet in small groups to reflect on the songs of faith that enrich your own life.
Speakers: We will have three speakers who are or have been involved in music ministry and/or rely heavily on music to express and nurture their relationship with God. Each will share with us 2-3 songs whose melodies and words have shaped their response to the Holy Spirit’s presence in their lives. Two of the speakers are Tita Subercaseaux (Assumption Parish, Seattle, WA) and Tim Hodges (Great Falls, MT). We’re waiting on confirmation from our third speaker.
Place: Peace & Spirituality Center/St. Mary-on-the-Lake, Bellevue. Time: 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Cost: $30 (single), $50 (couple) Scholarships available! Drinks/snacks provided.
Please bring a sack lunch for yourself.
To Register: Send fee with name & email or address to:
CLM, 1827 NE 58th St, Apt B, Seattle WA 98105
To register: Email: that you wish to participate, and pay the fee on the donation page of the CLM web site:
OR bring a check to the retreat, payable to CLM.