Glory! You are helping me help couples transform bad marriages into great marriages!

Posted July 12th, 2023 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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By Robert Fontana

Dear Friends, Seven years ago, after being asked repeatedly by Catholic priests to help couples in struggling marriages, we added individual and marriage counseling into our ministry offerings. My first attempts at couples counseling were awful. I did not know how to assist couples in truly combative relationships. With the support of CLM, I earned a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. I can happily report to you some wonderful success stories of couples on the verge of divorce who came to see me and now have turned things around. 

**Following the disclosure of her affair, a young couple with small children reconciled and is rebuilding their marriage. When he could accept that the affair was a consequence of a bad marriage in which he had a role, he could forgive her for the affair, and they could work on building a new marriage.

**A devoutly Christian couple had grown apart after over 30 years of marriage. They revitalized their marriage by rebuilding friendship, grieving their many years of failing to love one another well, and learning ways to meet one another’s emotional needs.

**A devoutly Catholic couple at odds with one another had signed divorce papers after a difficult and painful year when they separated and created separate households. They had actually signed divorce papers, but then did not submit them. Instead, they called me to help them rebuild love, trust, and intimacy.

**A couple without a faith background had “fallen out of love,” and came to see me. They had developed a pattern of withdrawing from one another and had given up hope that love could be restored. That was eight months ago, and today they are thriving!

 Not all couples counseling outcomes are successful, but many are! I attribute this to your prayers (and Lori’s) which I know help me to be attentive to the Holy Spirit as I use my training and skills to:

1) gain the trust of the couple and help them to see that each spouse has contributed to the bad marriage.

2) de-escalate tension by really listening to each spouse share his/her side of the story and validating the emotions being expressed;

3) bring to light the negative dynamic the couple has created through various negative ways of interacting;

4) help couple to replace this negative dynamic with more constructive patterns based on listening to one another, validating each other’s emotions, changing problematic behaviors, revealing one another’s emotional needs in the marriage, and working together to meeting these needs;

5) guide couples toward restoring love, friendship, trust, and intimacy.

Friends, the work that Lori and I do in Catholic Life Ministries, through my clinical practice and our ministry outreach, is made possible by the faithful prayer and generous financial support of our sponsors. Sponsor donations   cover at least half of our budget, helping to support our writing, retreats, workshops, and spiritual direction on the ministry side and allowing me to have a sliding scale for low-income clients on the clinical side. This is our annual   letter to invite you to support our ministry with donations and/or prayer; or, if you are a current supporter, to thank you with grateful hearts and invite you to continue your support. Our ministry has changed over the years as you will see in the photos below and on the back page, but the original mission endures:

to awaken faith, strengthen marriages and families, build Christian community, to empower the Christian faithful to be a power for good in the world!

Is God calling you to support CLM? We understand that you have plenty of good people from a variety of agencies seeking your spiritual and financial support. Please give our work your prayerful consideration. We respect and honor your decision to sponsor ministries other than CLM.  However, if you sense a calling to support us please write us at (and send us your prayer intentions). You can donate online at (look at the column on right, scroll down to “donate” button).

Young people, will you succeed as spouses and parents? (Part I)

Posted March 20th, 2023 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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By Robert Fontana (An imaginary conversation between Robert and young adults in college, some church-goers and some not.)

Rob     Here’s my question for you. Gay or Straight, will you succeed as spouses and parents whenever that may be?

YP 1 (young person)  What? That’s a crazy question. I’m not even thinking about being married or becoming a parent. Now, living with my love interest? Maybe.

(All the other YPs join in with “Same here!” and “Me too!” and “I just want to have some fun.”)

Rob     Oh, I hear what you’re saying, but let me ask you this. How many of you see marriage and family in your future? 

(Most hands go up.)

Rob     Great. How many of you who raised your hand hope to get divorced?

(There’s a pause…then a dozen or so hands go up; young people are laughing.)

Rob     Oh…of course, a few of you are planning on getting divorced, but the majority of you, should you marry, are expecting that your marriages will go the distance, “till death do us part.”

But the truth is, if current patterns hold up, many of you will get divorced: between 40-50% of non-church marriages end in divorce. This rate is going down especially among the middle- and upper middle-class couples, while it is going way up for couples raised in poverty. For couples who participate in church, about 28% of Catholic marriages and 33% of Protestant marriages end in divorce. Not a very good percentage, but better that the general population.

YP 2    My parents divorced when I was 13, and it totally sucked because they kept on fighting. I was caught in the middle and couldn’t wait until I could get out of both homes and be on my own. What’s sad is that now both my parents express regret that they didn’t get the help they needed to work things out. 

YP 3    My parents never married and broke up before I was born. But they were nice about it. I was raised in two separate homes all my life. I don’t want that for my kids, but it wasn’t that bad.

YP 4    My dad was a raging alcoholic. When he wasn’t drunk, he was kind and funny. But once the drinking started, which was usually every weekend, our home was a nightmare. Mom and Dad fought like cats and dogs until my dad broke my mom’s nose one night. That was it. Mom left, took us with her, and we never looked back.

YP5     My parents just could not live together. When the divorce was over, they stopped fighting. Each remarried. It wasn’t bad. I like my stepparents, but I don’t want divorce for my kids.

Rob     My goodness. What pain all of you went through! Thank you for sharing your stories. They are all so different, and yet they have the common thread of parents who did not succeed in marriage nor provide a stable homelife for you.  

Will you be different?


YP 6    I’m never going to get married. I’ll live with someone who I think can be an honest and loving partner, but if things get weird, I’m out. And no babies. I don’t want any kids to have to go through what I went through when my parents divorced.

Rob     That makes sense. Your own experiences tell you that being locked in a marriage keeps a person trapped when things go bad. You want the flexibility to leave when you need to. Having children is not a desirable option.

(Speaking to all present) How about this: describe a successful marriage.

YP 7    My mom and dad have been married…ah…well since before I was born. They are each other’s best friend. They have a lot of fun together. Church is important to them which gives them common values and friends. They do argue but there is never any fighting, no name calling and no hitting. And, as far as I can tell, they quickly make up.

YP 8    My parents had a difficult marriage until my dad went to AA and sobered up. Afterwards, they made a Marriage Encounter weekend, and it turned their lives upside down and ours too. Before sobering up and Marriage Encounter Mom was like a single mom. Afterwards dad has shown up for everything. We would eat dinner as a family, he came to our games, and we had a weekly family night that was alcohol-free and fun. Mom and Dad seem to love and trust each other. Thank God.

Rob     Great stories. Listen to what you are saying. What are the elements of a successful marriage? You’ve named friendship between couples, trust, sobriety, common values, spirituality, friends who share your values, and being able to argue, without escalating to fighting, and  then reconnecting.

There is no reason that you cannot have a successful marriage and family life. But you must prepare now if you want to succeed later. 

You know this is true with other areas of your life.  How many of you are preparing now to be successful later in a specific career? (All hands go up!)

How many of you who played high school sports started in sports as a five- or six-year-old?

(Lots of hands go up.)

Y4        I started playing soccer when I was three. 

Rob     Of course you did. Your parents were preparing you to succeed in high school sports by having you begin developing the basic skills for success years earlier. They did the same thing to help you succeed in college by reading to you from the time you were born, and they probably sent you to a pre-school.

It’s not too late for you to prepare now to be successful spouses and parents later. Think about it.  What preparations can you do now to help you succeed later in love/marriage and as a parent? (The focus of Part II.)

St. Joseph Angelus

Posted March 19th, 2023 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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The St. Joseph Angelus

Leader  The angel of the Lord said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home…

All  … for it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.” Blessed Saint  Joseph, husband of Mary, come to my aid, especially in times of anguish and difficulty.

Leader  “She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus…

All   …because he will save his people from their sins.” Blessed Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, come to my aid, especially in times of anguish and difficulty.

Leader  “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son…

All  … and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means ‘God with us.’” Blessed Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, come to my aid, especially in times of anguish and difficulty.

(Conclude with Grace if prayed before a meal or with the following:)

Leader: Let us pray. All: Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts; that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, your Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by his Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of his Resurrection through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Love Note to the Christmas Tree

Posted January 2nd, 2023 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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By Robert Fontana

I love you, O beautiful tree of Christmas. You enrich my life and the lives of all who gaze upon you in wonder and delight.

Your coming was awaited with childlike anticipation. And when you arrived, the busyness of the house stopped so all could welcome you. Treats were shared and wine was poured as you took your place in the corner of the family room, an honored guest.

You are lovely in your simplicity. Still, we dressed you with a string of lights that glow like fireflies in the night. Then your magic began, for it seems you are some sort of mystical portal to the past. I can see my father toasting his sons with a glass of Mogan and David and my mother, cigarette dangling from her mouth, laying tinsel strand by strand on the Christmas tree of my childhood.

Other memories emerge as we grace your branches with ornaments, some homemade, some gifted, some in honor of the holy event we commemorate, and some as playful as a toy plane, a doll, or an elf from Santa’s workshop. With each adornment, stories are shared. With each sharing, new images from the past flow around us: cousin Wade running in from the outside delirious with joy; my brothers in their red Boys Choir blazers preparing for midnight Mass; and friends gathered around the piano to sing “Sister Mary Had a-But One Child” to Mom’s accompaniment.

O Christmas Tree, I see in you all the Christmas trees of my past, from the great pine my brother John and I cut down and dragged into the family living room, to the silver one that shone brightly at Grandma’s house, to the very first tree of our marriage, a “tree” that Lori and I created from cast-off boughs collected at the Christmas tree lot because we could not afford even the $10 for the smallest tree.

We have gathered our children around you, and now our grandchildren, all in memory of the God of love who sent us Jesus to teach us how to love. You, O Christmas Tree, have been a sacrament of this season, a source of beauty and unity of past and present. And like the Christ-child who will give his life for all of creation, you give your life so that we may celebrate these days in the grace of your presence.

I do love you, O Christmas Tree, and I thank you!

A Five-Minute Christmas Homily

Posted December 28th, 2022 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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By Robert Fontana

The Christmas homily ought to be short!  The meaning of the day is made abundantly clear in the carols sung, the readings proclaimed, the liturgy prayed, and the festivities in the home. The homilist need only add an exclamation point to what the Christmas liturgy shouts out with joy! Here’s my Five-Minute Christmas Homily for 2022.

Rob     Church, Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us! When I say, “Jesus is Emmanuel,” please shout back to me, “God with us.” Let’s practice. JESUS IS EMMANUEL!

All       GOD WITH US!

Rob     God became a human being! God was born from the womb of Mary. The baby Jesus needed his diaper changed, needed to nurse in the middle of the night, had to be swaddled when he was cold and carried up and down the stable and sung to when he wouldn’t fall asleep. This little baby Jesus is Emmanuel.

All       GOD WITH US!

Rob     The child Jesus did not come just to get us to heaven. The child Jesus came to help us have the courage to fully live our lives on earth and to dare to do on earth what is done in heaven. 

Isn’t that what we pray in The Our Father: “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven?”  And what exactly is done in heaven? Love! Absolute love of God and of one another. Christmas invites us to love God by loving one another, and the earth itself. Jesus is Emmanuel.

All       GOD WITH US!

Rob     We are not talking about the sentimental love of a Hallmark Christmas movie, where every ending is happy and filled with holiday cheer. No, we are talking about the demanding love of the Gospels, a love that will sacrifice so that others may live, in good times and bad, in sickness and health, in war and in peace. We know what this love looks like: spouses being faithful to one another; foster parents taking in yet another child; elders caring for one another in sickness; citizens advocating for the rights of the unborn, women, and workers; compassionate citizens housing migrants and refugees; and corporate leaders adjusting their business models to help save the earth from the effects of climate change. Jesus is Emmanuel.

All       GOD WITH US!

Rob     My prayer for all of us this Christmas is for wisdom and courage: the wisdom to figure out how to fully love within the complex and challenging circumstances of life, and the courage to do so. This might mean: simply doing what you are doing at work and home more intentionally for the love of God; sharing possessions and financial resources with persons materially poor; repairing fractured relationships with a spouse or other family members; admitting an addiction to alcohol, pornography, drugs, gambling, shopping, etc., and getting the help needed for sobriety and healthy living. I hope for all of us it will mean avoiding political extremes and working hard to protect our democracy. 

Whatever it is you need to do to live out the call to love more wisely and courageously within the circumstances of your life, remember, you and I are not alone. We can draw our strength and inspiration from Jesus, Emmanuel.

All       GOD WITH US!

Rob     A blessed and holy Christmas. God bless us everyone!

A Different Genealogy of Jesus

Posted December 27th, 2022 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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Big-BangBy Robert Fontana

Because of God there is the Great Beginning, the emerging universe with its unimaginable energy bursting into time and space.

Because of the Great Beginning and emerging universe there is the formation of fiery stars with their immense power and potency.

Because of the great stars there came to be thousands upon thousands of galaxies, and our unique galaxy called the Milky Way.

Because of the Milky Way Galaxy and its complex evolution, the sun is born and with it the planets that orbit it including Earth with all its creative power and vitality.

nativity shepherdsBecause of Earth there is the evolution of life through nature from the earliest microbes through the dinosaurs to our world of plants and animals.

Because of nature there are humans, women and men, from all corners of the earth, from countless tribes of people.

And because of the one tribe of Judah there is born to Mary of Nazareth the child Jesus called Emmanuel, God with us.

Jesus’ Cosmic Genealogy

Posted December 27th, 2022 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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Big BangBy Robert Fontana

Because of God there is the Great Beginning, the emerging universe with its unimaginable energy bursting into time and space.

Because of the Great Beginning and emerging universe there is the formation of fiery stars with their immense power and potency.

Because of the great stars there came to be thousands upon thousands of galaxies, and our unique galaxy called the Milky Way.

Because of the Milky Way Galaxy and its complex evolution, the sun is born and with it the planets that orbit it including Earth with all its creative power and vitality.

nativity shepherdsBecause of Earth there is the evolution of life through nature from the earliest microbes through the dinosaurs to our world of plants and animals.

Because of nature there are humans, women and men, from all corners of the earth, from countless tribes of people.

And because of the one tribe of Judah there is born to Mary of Nazareth the child Jesus called Emmanuel, God with us.


View from the pew: The Difference Between St. Nicholas and Santa Claus

Posted December 5th, 2022 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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St Nicholas cartoonBy Robert Fontana

December 6  is the Feast of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (in modern day Turkey). He had a reputation for secretly giving gifts to people in need, which led to the rise among pious Christians of the figure of Santa Claus (Sinterklaas (Dutch: [ˌsɪntərˈklaːs]) or Sint-Nicolaas –

Lori and I decided when our children were small to make the Feast of St. Nicholas a special day for them so that they would understand the Christian figure behind the Santa Claus story. We are continuing that custom with the grandchildren. On St. Nicholas Day morning, they will be opening their Christmas stockings, each containing a book, a candy treat, and an orange. For the grands who live above us, we’ll have breakfast together with an ice cream pie as the main dish!

Here’s a reflection on the difference between St. Nicholas and Santa Claus, followed by a prayer service that families (with or without children) or friends can do to honor St. Nicholas, disciple of Jesus, and friend of the poor.

  • Santa wants your credit card; Nicholas wants your heart.
  • Santa will turn you into a consumer; Nicholas will help you be a servant.
  • Santa is a whimsical tale of a fat old elf who gives toys to boys and girls who have been good; St. Nicholas helped children escape from poverty and slavery.
  • Santa reminds us to give presents; Nicholas reminds us to give ourselves.
  • Santa is controlled by the department store; Nicholas was led by the Spirit.
  • Santa is a man dressed in a costume; Nicholas was a Bishop who cared for his people.
  • Santa Claus Gift Merry Christmas & Happy New YearSanta reminds us to follow the Christmas sales; Nicholas reminds us to follow Jesus.
  • Santa promises us happiness through gift-giving; Nicholas reminds us that happiness is the fruit of a faithful life.
  • Santa is a fun story to read to children at Christmas Eve; Nicholas was a man of great compassion who sold his possessions and gave the money to the poor so that he could do God’s will in perfect freedom.
  • Santa has nothing to do with Jesus the God-Man whose birth is celebrated on Christmas Day. Nicholas’ life only makes sense because of his love and commitment to Jesus the God-Man whose birth is celebrated on Christmas Day.

A Prayer Service for the Feast of St. Nicholas, Adapted by Robert Fontana from a prayer service by Thomas G. Simons from the St. Nicholas Center.

Call To Worship

Leader: Praise God for St. Nicholas!

Children:  Yea St. Nicholas!

Leader: The Spirit of the Lord was upon him.

Children: Yea St. Nicholas!

Leader: Loving God, St. Nicholas loved Jesus, and because he loved Jesus he loved children and the poor.  We honor his memory today and in doing so hope to imitate his kindness and love.

Children:  St. Nicholas, pray for us. Amen!

Word Service – 1 Peter 5.1–4

The following summary of the life of St. Nicholas may be read and discussed.

St. Nicholas was born to Christian parents.  Legends recount the story of Nicholas’ baptism when his parents brought him to the sacred fount; he leapt from his mother’s arms into the Baptismal waters.  After the death of his parents, he gave away his inheritance to the poor of Myra, and dedicated himself to serve his people first as a priest and later as a bishop.

Bishop Nicholas preached the Gospel in a Roman culture still dominated by Greek and Roman religious customs and moral behavior.  He organized Churched, taught the Catholic faith, and invited non-Christians to join the community of faith.  He is most remembered as a helper to the poor and to children.   Once Bishop Nicholas heard that a father was struggling to feed his three daughters.  He did not have the money for a marriage dowry, and was considering selling them off into slavery so they would at least have something to eat.   On three occasions, Bishop Nicholas threw a bag of gold through the window into the room of the sleeping father. His daughters soon were married. Later the father came to Nicholas, fell at his feet and said, “Nicholas, you are my helper.”

This story and his many other works of charity led to the tradition of giving presents on the Feast of St. Nicholas and at Christmas. The name Santa Claus, in fact, evolved from his name.

Bishop Nicholas proclaimed the Gospel, baptized new Christians, feed the hungry and poor, and taught the truths of Christianity.   He died at Myra in 350 A.D. His popularity, already great, increased when his bones were brought to Italy in 1087. Both the Eastern and Western churches honor him. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of Russia, Greece, and Sicily.  He is regarded as the special patron of children. His feast is December 6.


Reader: For the gift of each person here.

All: We give thanks.

Reader: For the many material blessings that we have received and can share with those in need.

All: We give thanks.

Reader: For a holiday season of joy, hope, and peace.

All: We give thanks.

Blessing Prayer

Leader: Gracious and good Lord, we bless you on this feast of St. Nicholas, your servant, who is an example to us of a life of charity and love.

All: Help us to imitate his good deeds.

Leader: Make us always mindful of the needs of others and help us rejoice in the abundance of your goodness around us. We ask this through Jesus our Lord.

All: Amen.

Our Father…

Share a special treat or exchange small gifts, if desired.



Advent, Christmas, and “the most busiest time of the year!”

Posted November 23rd, 2022 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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christmas stressBy Robert Fontana

Here’s a paraphrase of a familiar Christmas song:

“It’s the most busiest time of the year, with the kids and mom yelling and everyone telling you get off your rear! It’s the most busiest time of the year!”

Can’t you hear Andy Williams or Amy Grant singing it? These days from Thanksgiving to Christmas, the secular holiday season, are such a busy and fun time. It’s a struggle for us Fontanas to focus on Advent and the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas when the world around us is immersed in the lights, decorations, parties, and music of the winter holiday season.

Fr. Ron Rolheiser captures the dilemma that many Christians confront during the holiday season:  Rolheiser, in his book The Holy Longing, writes something like this: most of us want the holiness and generosity of Mother Teresa when it comes to opening our hearts to the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. At the same time, we also want the fun, romantic intimacy, warm ambiance, amazing gifts, delicious desserts, and the multitude of wines, cocktails and beers portrayed in a Hollywood Christmas movie! In the end, according to Rolheiser, what we usually get is an unhappy mixture of both options and end up on Christmas night…well…exhausted.

I do not have a great piece of wisdom to offer you (and me) in resolving this dilemma because it cannot really be resolved. It can be, shall we say, tamed or moderated by a little bit of forethought, wisdom, and courage.

In my youth, I did not approach this issue with wisdom. I had good intentions, but those good intentions only created anxiety, stress, and more work for Lori.

“Lori, let’s make our Christmas gifts for the family gift exchange!” 

Great idea, right? Great way to have an “alternative Christmas,” which was all the rage during our college and post college years. However, I DID NOT (AND STILL DO NOT) KNOW HOW TO MAKE ANYTHING WITH MY HANDS! Lori ended up doing all the work and often the projects were not completed until after midnight on Christmas Eve. Good intentions without wisdom make a bad combination. A few dollars spent on some thoughtful and modest gifts would have saved us lots of Christmas misery.

nativity shepherdsOf course, at Christmas time, when we consider how the Gospel was first proclaimed to the poor shepherds in the field, we are drawn to reach out to people around us who are materially and spiritually poor. Pope Francis would have us include “nature” in our list of the poor that must be served:

“The earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor; she “groans in travail” (Rom 8:22). We have forgotten that we ourselves are dust of the earth (cf. Gen 2:7); our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air and we receive life and refreshment from her waters.”
― Pope Francis, Care for our Common Home (Laudate Si)

oregon beachThe Incarnation of Jesus is not simply about Jesus saving human beings and getting us to heaven.  Jesus came to wake us up to our duties on earth to love one another, and that duty extends to caring for the planet which is our only home. We share earth with all other living creatures. We need a healthy planet in order to live healthy lives. The creatures of the earth, from the great birds of prey to the tiniest insects and all growing things can live happily without us humans, but we humans cannot live happy lives without the creatures of the earth and vegetative life. Saving them during this time of climate crisis is how we value and preserve our own lives.

During the first year of the pandemic, when we couldn’t really gather inside for family parties, we put up a Christmas tree in our front yard and decorated it with food for the birds and, invariably, the squirrels. It was so much fun putting it together and so much fun watching our animal and bird friends enjoy it.

The holiday season is the “most busiest time of the year.” It doesn’t have to be exhausting! Sit down with your loved ones and talk through how you want to observe Advent in preparation for Christmas, while enjoying the secular aspects of the season as well. Have a family meeting in which all get to state their hopes and expectations for the holidays. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and your family to wisdom in how you hold together the tension between the secular winter holiday and the Christian season of Advent and Christmas. Set some simple goals following the guidance of the folk singer Donavan as he sang in his song, “Stone by Stone,” written for the movie Brother Sun, Sister Moon:

If you want to live life free, take your time go slowly. Do few things but do them well, simple joys are holy.

Wishing you Advent peace and blessings!


Homespun Homily: A So-so Samaritan

Posted November 9th, 2022 by CLMrf and filed in View from the pew
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By Lori Fontana

 good samaritanWe all know the story of “The Good Samaritan.” (Luke 10:29-37) Jesus teaches his listeners the Great Commandment, which ends with [love] your neighbor as yourself. A scholar in the crowd asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” In response, Jesus tells the well-known parable.

It is a parable relevant for today. Who is my neighbor? How far afield does Jesus’ directive go? Is it the people who live to the right and left of me? Is it my relative with whom I don’t get along? Is it the man or woman living in the park across the street? Just who is my neighbor, Jesus? Really, how far do I have to stretch with this?

And what does loving my “neighbor” actually look like? Is it a donation to the mission? Volunteering at the food bank?  Inviting someone in need to my dinner table? The interpretations and possibilities are endless. I want to have the loving, compassionate heart of the Good Samaritan, but do I have the time, the energy, the resources, the courage?

In my younger years, I really did believe that we Christians could “solve” all the woes and problems of society. If everyone pitched in and worked together, there would be enough food, enough shelter, enough care and camaraderie to pull every person out of need. But the older I get (and I am still learning), I’ve grown to believe that, as Jesus said , “The poor you will always have with you…” (Matthew 26:11) However, I don’t hear Jesus saying, “Just throw up your hands in defeat and walk away!” Jesus says quite the opposite: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers [and sisters] of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

So I walk around with this mental tug-o-war each time I encounter someone in need. Is this my neighbor? And if so, what should I do? What can I even manage to do for her or him? The problems are so huge, and I feel inadequate and, many times, afraid to try to help.

Several weeks ago, on a gray, chilly, misty day, I walked home from the post office (rubbing elbows with my “post office prodigals!”). Ahead, I saw a pile of boxes and bags around a huge yellow umbrella, and a large dog. Having once been bitten by a stray dog, I swung widely around this pooch who seemed to be guarding the mound of assorted items. Then I saw two legs poking out from beneath the umbrella. There was a person in there. Hmmm.

hot chocolateI continued walking home, but my conscience was pricked. Here was someone who looked to be in need. What to do? I arrived home, and paced a bit before I decided I could AT LEAST bring the person some hot chocolate. I mixed it up in a “to go” cup with a lid and trekked back to where the person was sitting. The dog was now lying down. I couldn’t even see the person, but I called out, “Would you like some hot chocolate?”

Immediately, the person responded, “Yes!” The voice was that of a young woman. I approached slowly, wary of the dog.

All I could see were the woman’s legs so I offered, “If you put your hand out, I’ll hand you the hot chocolate.” She extended an arm, I gave her the cocoa, and I handed her a card advertising the Ravenna Pop-Up Kitchen, where we distribute food once a week for neighbors. “I hope you enjoy the cocoa.” She responded with a thank you. I asked her name – “Kat” – and her dog’s name – “Max.” I said she would be very  welcome to come by the next day to the Pop-Up Kitchen for food and toiletries. Then I was on my way.

Back in my own warm home, I had mixed feelings. A cup of cocoa is such a tiny band aid for such a BIG problem. I’m not the Good Samaritan by a long shot; but maybe I’m at least the “So-so Samaritan.” Though a small gesture, I did something; I acknowledged this  sister human being; I went a little bit out of my way to offer a tiny kindness.

father & adult sonMaybe that’s the point. Most of us cannot solve society’s big problems. But all of us can do something to show care. Even the smallest gesture can lift another person up and give them hope. We can ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, courage, and strength; and the Spirit will open our eyes to how we can help. Mother Teresa said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”  If each one of us shares what we can, we will be better than a “so-so Samaritan.” We will be the Good Samaritan – the hands and feet, the heart and voice of Jesus to a weary world.